Wednesday, November 26, 2014

If my house were burning

If my hause were burning i would save of the fire…
è My PC portable                 à My documentation
è All my money                   à My keys
è My phone                           à My book “Memorias de Idhun
è My world ball                     à My first clock
è ½ of my clothes                 à My first clock
If my house were burning I would save my portable because I can use it for many things, and it have a lot of sentimental value for me, beacause my parents gave me this PC when I saved a lot of money for it.
If I save the portable, why I didn’t save my phone? I would save my phone because my phone has a lot of information and I can call many people I know.
But if I save my phone for the information i would save my documentation for the information it contain, and to travel to other place.
Also I would save my book “Memorias de Idhun” because it was the book that got me hooked on reading, and for this reason it has my special regard, I have read this book 13 times !.
Talking about entertainment my first clock has a lot there… because it is hard to close.
I would need to save my world ball because it has my 2012 birthday (one of the presents) and it was the best year I had in my live.
And I would save my money to buy food and other things, (to survive), fot go to other places and buy things I need and I can buy.
And if I saved my money to survive, I would save the ½ of my clothes to don’t avoid cold and to be covered.
If I saved money and clothes to survive, I would save water !, the water is the most important thing to survive because if we don’t drink it we die.
Finally I would save from the fire my keys to remember the old hause I had and was burned in the fire, and for a joke :3.

                                                                                                                                                       By: Jesús Martinez. 3º ESO