Wednesday, November 26, 2014

If my house were burning

If my hause were burning i would save of the fire…
è My PC portable                 à My documentation
è All my money                   à My keys
è My phone                           à My book “Memorias de Idhun
è My world ball                     à My first clock
è ½ of my clothes                 à My first clock
If my house were burning I would save my portable because I can use it for many things, and it have a lot of sentimental value for me, beacause my parents gave me this PC when I saved a lot of money for it.
If I save the portable, why I didn’t save my phone? I would save my phone because my phone has a lot of information and I can call many people I know.
But if I save my phone for the information i would save my documentation for the information it contain, and to travel to other place.
Also I would save my book “Memorias de Idhun” because it was the book that got me hooked on reading, and for this reason it has my special regard, I have read this book 13 times !.
Talking about entertainment my first clock has a lot there… because it is hard to close.
I would need to save my world ball because it has my 2012 birthday (one of the presents) and it was the best year I had in my live.
And I would save my money to buy food and other things, (to survive), fot go to other places and buy things I need and I can buy.
And if I saved my money to survive, I would save the ½ of my clothes to don’t avoid cold and to be covered.
If I saved money and clothes to survive, I would save water !, the water is the most important thing to survive because if we don’t drink it we die.
Finally I would save from the fire my keys to remember the old hause I had and was burned in the fire, and for a joke :3.

                                                                                                                                                       By: Jesús Martinez. 3º ESO

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Village

Hi This Summer i only saw one film... The Village is one estaudinense film.
The Actors (The most important actors) are Bryce Dallas Howard, Joaquin Phoenix, Adrien Brody, William Hurt and Sigourney Weaver.
the distribution:
Director M. Night Shyamalan
Production Sam Mercer, Scott Rudin, M. Night Shyamalan
Guion M. Night Shyamalan
James Newton Howard Music
Photography Roger Deakins
Mounting Christopher Tellefsen

The Film is about of one village in a lonley forest, a small village and they live in the village from 30 years and the children dont know what is outside of the village outside of the forest, they believe that are hiding in the forest beasts half-human half-wolf and their name is The Innombrable beasts. one day in the village appears a skinned rabbit and then create the unspeakable have returned to roam the village ... Then a few weeks after the mayor's daughter who is blind is going to marry a blacksmith and a man who wants the mayor's daughter (which had mental retardation) stabs her wedding day by jealousy ... With your medications is not saved and the blind will have to go save her beloved through the forest of unspeakable to go to a city and bring medicines. ..
¿What happens?
¿She accomplishes?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


<-- This is the book that i read this summer.
The name is The Room in the Tower and Other Ghost Stories, isn't a Storie, that are 3 Stories... one of one tower with a room and a ghost, one of one person ( he dissapeared) and the people search he and they dont find he...
And the last and my favourite one girl (young girl), the girl marries with one old man and in the 1º day later the wedding the young girl find in her room a ghost of a blind woman... She says that the old man is marry with she, and the young girl the next day says that to the old mand.
 and the old man says:

- She is dead.. she dead the last month... and the young girl afraid run out of the hause and live in other place more paceful..

Monday, July 21, 2014

1º Enter Summer


Day 1: Now the summer return!! we are in hollidays and we can go out with friends, play the computer and go to the beach if we want it!!.

Day 2: Well im now in other day and i write you about the things i do the last day. My Friends from Euskadi come to Valencia and i was playing with they, it was so funny and i play with they a lot. i play in a computer (my computer) in Smite and i won a match very difficult to me and one friend from madrid come of America and now we can talk in Skype and play now all (Kique, Litro, Viruz, Escuredo and i) in matches for ProPlayers.

Day 3: The last day i was in the DreamHack in Feria Valencia and i probe a lot of games

shooters mpg and other tipes of games in the DreamHack i was with Victor (one Friend) and we play in a 5v5 tournament of Battlefield IV in the DreamHack i meet one important Youtuber his name is, Sr.Cheeto! is a person very funny :D
the sumer is the time for do all the things you want. at the moment this summer i do few things because the summer have started :3

Friday, May 9, 2014

English Project

Well, this is my project, i do it with Tesio, Menu,Kebi and i (i'm Xuki)

we are nomitated to the oscars(one project :P) and we can win because this is feel like a happy film :D!

bye bye!!

i thing this is the best project i do, and i like this repeat at the next year!!!

 I do this project with 3 more people (Kebi, Tesio and Menu) this project is about one film (Life of Bryan). For do this film we need things, one hause for stay and do the film work... One place for film the film, 4 actors, one script , one person for film, And one person for make the film. We do the film in my hause.